Polished Concrete

Polish concrete is fast become popular for its low maintenance and versatility both in commercial and residential fields. With three levels of aggregate exposure (salt and pepper, minimal, full) and multiple levels of gloss/shine we defiantly can help you along the road to your dream floor. If you are worried about cracking, ask us about our crack repair service.

Epoxy Coatings

Commonly nicknamed ‘Grind and Seal’ within the industry. It follows the same methods as polished concrete, but instead of treating the floor with a densifier and then polishing the concrete we apply a epoxy over the top of the ground floor. Again here we can control the amount of aggregate that is exposed to suite the look your after.

Concrete Bench Tops

If you are thinking of installing a concrete bench top indoors or outdoors we have a solution for you. We can get that same look of polished concrete from the floor onto your bench top.

Outdoor Areas

When it comes to the outdoor area there are many options depending on your needs. From concrete around a pool, to non slip surfaces there is an option here for you.

Prep Grind

With a prep grind we can prepare your concrete surface ready for new application. If your floor is un-level and in need of repair we can help here as well. No floor is ‘to bad’ we have worked wonders with some of the worst floors. 

Surface Polish

Best described as a ‘warehouse look’, with a surface polish we basically just polish the concrete as is. This is a popular option for loading docks and very large factory’s.

Training & Development

Need a little hand with certain stages of the polishing process? Want to develop your skills?  Well we are here to help! With over 150,000m2 of polish concrete experience just reach out and we would be more than happy to share our knowledge and help you on the road.